
As a maintained school and a Church of England School, we are subject to two regular inspections from external providers. 

The external inspections provide a useful independent and impartial check on how our school is doing.

Ofsted inspections

Ofsted inspect all schools under Section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Through the inspections, Ofsted seek to provide an independent, external evaluation of schools whilst also identifying what needs to improve in order for provision to be good or better.

Ofsted last visited our school in November 2019.

Our school was rated Good across all areas.

‘Ulcombe is a small, welcoming, inclusive school with a Christian ethos.’

‘Pupils are made very welcome when they join the school. New pupils settle quickly and easily slot into the school’s routines.’

‘Pupils show respect for each other and adults in the school, including visitors. There is very little low-level disruption during lessons, which helps pupils to concentrate on learning.;

‘Teachers’ high expectations mean that pupils behave well, work hard and make good progress from their starting points.’

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

SIAMS (Section 48) judges the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a Church of England school and aims to help schools improve as church schools.

School governors have a statutory duty to uphold the religious character of the school and to ensure that this element is inspected.

SIAMS inspections are administered by Canterbury Diocese and carried out by nationally accredited and trained inspectors.

Our last SIAMS inspection was in November 2024.

“Ulcombe is a very small school with a very big heart. Senior leaders are passionate about ensuring that pupils, families and staff at Ulcombe flourish. Nurturing support for the whole school community is exceptional.”