
Reception and Year 1
Class Teacher – Mrs S Martin & Mrs J Leung


Term 4

Term 2

Term 1


Term 5

Term 4

This term we have celebrated National Science week. We had a lot of fun experimenting with how to make static electricity with balloons, how to get our glow sticks to shine brighter and how long bubbles last. We thought about the scientific method and all the different types of scientists there are. Most of the Owlets want to be geologists so they can study rocks and volcanoes or zoologists so they can work with animals.

In Geography Owlets have learnt about the United Kingdom, its seas and capital cities. Miss Liddicoat also helped them to make maps of their routes to school in their Learning Through Landscapes lessons.

During English lessons we have used the books Bumblebear and Billy and the Beast. The children were really engaged in this learning and it was lovely to see them writing with more independence.

In Maths, Owlets have been enjoying lessons on problem solving, shape and measuring this term. They have been able to give reasons for their answers, showing their deeper understanding.

PE has been a lot of fun this term and we have been using some of our favourite music to create dance routines. They have been so energetic we have used Yoga to relax at the end of the sessions.

Owlets had a fantastic day creating sculptures out of paper. They really showed off their creativity and skills. Their final piece was a blossom tree that they created together.

On World book day Owlets had a special treat as Tawny Owls class read them books that they had created themselves. They did so well that they also created Maths games to help Owlets have fun when learning about numbers.

Term 3

Another busy term has kept the Owlets learning. In challenge time they have picked lots of challenges that have kept them creative and active. Owlets love to learn outside.

We had great fun in our music lessons this term. We learnt the story of Diwali and played musical instruments to accompany each character.

Miss Liddicoat our Active Lead popped into our PE lesson and enjoyed seeing the children being choreographers and planning and performing their own dances.

In our Understanding Beliefs and World Views lesson we have been talking about Which stories are special and why? We read the story of the story of The milk and the jasmine flower from the Sikh faith. The children wanted to make their own bowls. We then talked about how we can give a little more. In challenge time the children decided to paint their bowls.

We have been using the interactive board a lot this term to support our learning especially in Maths. Its a great way for us to count as we exercise as well as listen to maths stories. We also like to play games.

We had a whole day learning about the Great Fire of London where we made Pudding Lane and saw how the fire spread. We baked bread to help us remember where the fire started. Finally we compared what houses, London and fire brigades were like in the past.

Term 2

It has been another busy term in Owlets class and the children have been engrossed in their learning.

During our PE lessons we have become expert balancers and improved our catching and throwing skills.

In English and History we have been learning about space. The children have been particularly interested in learning about Neil Armstrong and the first moon landing. The children created a space station in the classroom and acted out the life of an astronaut. We even made space biscuits.

Within our daily Maths lessons we have been practising different methods to add and subtract and learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The children always enjoy active Maths lessons and this helps them to use their skills in different ways.

We had a wonderful Design and Technology day where we tasted fruit smoothies and then designed our own.

In our Understanding Beliefs and World Views lesson we had an exciting afternoon working as a whole school. The children enjoyed working with the older members of the school and learning about and reflecting on the creation story in three creative ways.

In class we have been learning why Christmas is important to Christians. We went on a trail to retell the story and made paper chains describing what we are thankful for.

Owlets enjoyed a fun day of learning supporting Children in Need, all of our lessons were a bit spotty!

As we head towards the end of term we shall be getting even more excited with the Nativity performed by Owlets at the church and lots of activities involving glitter! The children will continue with all their lessons making sure fun is had but we continue to be productive in our learning.

Term 1

It has been a lovely first term with the Owlets. The new children have settled in well and are happy playing and loving learning.

Mrs Masters and the year 1 children have been enjoying the Library van and have chosen books to read together.


Within our Maths sessions, Owlets have been working on number and place value as well as addition and subtraction. We used resources to support our learning and understanding and we also took our lessons outside.

Challenge Time

In challenge time and child initiated play the children have been following their own interests and have enjoyed sharing their ideas with each other. The children especially liked making their own playdough.


In English we have been reading the Jolly Postman and thinking about different homes people live in. We made our own fairytale homes, posted letters and learnt about traditional stories.


This term we have had PE lessons inside and outside. We have been playing lots of fun games and we had a yoga lesson.

Our school has now been mapped so we are able to do orienteering activities outside. We have been learning to follow map directions.


In science we have been learning about materials and carried out an experiment to find out about waterproof materials.

Finally this Autumn we have been thinking about the seasons and the weather. We have had a lot of fun exploring outside as well as watching weather reports and seeing if the forecasts are correct.


Term 6

Owlets are enjoying lots of great learning experiences again this term.


At Kent Life we were able to learn about farming today and in the past. We met lots of animals and found out if they are used on farms today. This year we have been learning to read maps which was a really useful skill to have at Kent Life. We also visited the different buildings at Kent Life which reminded us of our term 1 topic when we learnt about homes from the past. Everyone enjoyed the bumpy tractor ride!


In our Science lessons we have been working scientifically. We have investigated what materials can melt ice cubes and which ones are strong and flexible but everyone’s favourite lesson was when we used our senses to identify different yogurts.

Understanding Beliefs

In RE we have been being thinking about the question ‘What would Jesus do?’ We have enjoyed acting out stories from the bible and thinking about what we believe.


Owlets always enjoy PE lessons. We have been improving our athletics skills. Our favourite lesson this term is when Duncan, a PE coach taught us to do the standing long jump and throw the javelin. We are all looking forward to sports day!

Life Skills

In Life skills this term we have been thinking about keeping safe in the sun and on the roads. Mrs Sharp talked to us about how she keeps children safe and how we can help keep ourselves safe too.

Term 5

We’re going on a Bear Hunt

This term Owlets have been reading the story ‘We are going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. By the end of the term we are going to be authors and write our own stories. We read with an adult every day and enjoy sharing stories with our friends.


In Maths we have been learning how to count to 50. We have also been doing daily dance workouts to learn how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Challenge Time
Challenge time is always exciting in Owlets as the children lead the learning in the subjects they are interested in. The children enjoy making and creating.


In Geography we have been looking at maps and talking about holidays we have been on.


We love PE in Owlets class and if we have a great lesson, where everyone listens we have a fun game of Duck, Duck Goose to finish. We have been enjoying the nice weather and practising our bat and ball skills and we are being inspired by visits to the beach in our dance lessons.