Friends of Ulcombe School (FUS) is our parent and staff group.

Who are we?

Friends of Ulcombe School is a group of volunteer parents and guardians and together we put on fun events and activities for the children, to raise additional funds for the school. Money raised goes towards things like educational trips, year 6 leavers goodies and school resources. Our current Chair is Anna Collins and our Treasurer is Amy Marchant. 


This term we kicked off with a Willy Wonka Chocolate Bar sale, with hidden gold and silver tickets inside a lucky few. Children who found the winning chocolate bars won great prizes! Thanks to the generous families who contributed, we sold out of all the bars and raised just under £170 for the school!

Our spooky disco was held the first week back after the October half
term, and was enjoyed by all. The children dressed up, danced, and had fun; getting glitter tattoos, buying glow in the dark toys and of course enjoying the tuck shop! A big thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help with this
event, and the families who kindly sent their children in with spending money. The disco raised a wonderful £150 for the school.

We held a very successful Christmas Fair at the end of term, with games, stalls and a great festive atmosphere. The children really enjoyed spending their pocket money to win treats and gifts, and a wonderful £300 was raised.

As a final festive flourish to round off the Christmas term, FUS brought a little bit of snowy magic to the children on their last day of school before the Christmas holidays. The children (and some of the teachers too!) had great fun playing in the blast from the snow machine!

Get in touch with FUS

You can message FUS on Facebook.

Joining FUS

If you can spare any time to help plan and/or run FUS events, we would love to hear from you! You can find Anna and Amy in the playground most days at drop off and pick up, and at celebration worship on Fridays. Alternatively, you can contact us by email: friendsofulcombeschool@outlook.com

Upcoming Events

Leavers Hoodies

Year 6 pupils receive their leavers hoodies from FUS each year. We take delivery of these in the Autumn term, so the children can enjoy wearing them throughout the year.